
Thursday, December 30, 2010

New tools!

My husband loves perusing the Internet. He always knows about the funny links or top news before me because of this habit. Today it actually paid off when we got this bad boy on the cheap. Betcha can't guess how much it was.
This Black & Decker 3 tool 18-volt cordless combo kit cost us a whopping (drum roll please)


Yep. I am no longer annoyed more accepting that my husband is an Internet junkie.

How did we get such a hidden treasure? Why our new favorite online shopping site This site has a list of items all up for bid. Things range from TVs, cameras, tools, to gift cards at restaurants and stores. In order to bid for an item you have to have an account. Each bid is $0.60. Without going into a lot more detail (there's a lot more detail on the site), Trevor put in about 10 bids, or about $6, and we won the tool kit for that plus our $4.62! Add in shipping and we have ourselves a toolkit for less than $20!

Now the quibids site said that the value of the kit was actually about $99. However, upon searching the Internet we found it for less than $40 at Lowe's. While it isn't as great a deal as the site made it seem. It was still worth the effort.

It looks like I will need to make a list of projects to be completed with the aforementioned tool kit once it arrives. He he he. :)

My non-resolutions

I really dislike New Year's resolutions. I don't understand why people only really take once a year to reflect on how they can be a better person or reach their goals.

So I decided I would tell you about my already existing goals, instead of jumping on the resolution bandwagon.

Goal 1: Get an elementary teaching position.
This isn't such an easy goal to meet during the middle of the school year. In early spring I plan to once again apply like a crazy mad woman to several districts in my area.
Hopefully, I will be a notch ahead of the other applicants this time, because I have been working my patootie off! I have been substituting in four school districts this year. I am a regular in two schools, and on the rare occasion I am not at one of those buildings I can pick up a gig somewhere else. This exposure has led to a long-term subbing position through January at one of those buildings.
I left my part-time retail job (GASP!) in order to have a more applicable part-time gig with Sylvan Learning Center. Finally, I also started volunteering at a center for youth in the urban core of Kansas City (when I have the time).
Hopefully the end result of said diligence will get me somewhere fast!

Goal 2: Become more organized.
A lot of this actually happened over winter break. My house felt like an empty hole since we had very little furniture when we moved in. We recently acquired several pieces of furniture. Thankfully my husband took his vacation time over break so we could arrange our furniture, sort through old paperwork, and set up our home office. Future plans include coming up with a way to organize my recipes, and wines I like. This will have to be another, seperate post.

Goal 3: Get in shape.
Well, I did a magnificient job at this prior to my wedding. It's been an entirely different story since. I have been struggling with not having something to work toward (like a form-fitting white dress). I have continued to work out, but it has been sporadic. Luckily my good friend recently started working out with me, and we are on fire! Only more good can come of this! Plus, maybe putting this out for anyone to read will make me feel more encouraged to keep going? That's what I'm hoping.

Well, those are my top three goals of 2010-2011. What are your goals or resolutions?
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